Saturday, June 1, 2013

Great ideas

I really appreciate the opportunity to come to this event.  I am always looking for more ideas to use with my students.  In the past, I have been in seminars that cater only to elementary teachers.  I always check to make sure that the material will be relevant to me as a high school teacher, but it never works out that way.  At my school when we do PD, it is always about the math department and what would work for them, because our curriculum person is math-minded.   I love coming to an event at a university where all ages groups and content areas are welcomed and accepted.  I would love to hear about other workshops that Avila is presenting.  I also would love to know if anyone knows of other technology seminars or workshops where I can gain more tools for our current students.  I am nervous about our district's move to one on one with our students and not having enough resources to really use the computers.  I don't want to just use technology for technology sake, but rather to use technology to reach my students.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen,
    I came today with 3 colleagues from St. Teresa's Academy, an all-girls catholic high school. We are all science teachers but also responsible for PD sessions for faculty involving technology. Our school went to one to one netbooks 3 years ago, and as you might imagine faculty reception of the move was mixed. That's another story, and if you are interested we can chat about it. You asked if there were any other educational technology seminars available. Mid-America Nazarene University has a CEU course June 11 and 12 that focuses on technology, and in February the METC (Midwest Technology Education Conference) is held in St. Charles, MO. I have gotten great ideas from both. In plunging forward with one to one computing, it is helpful to have a Course Management System such as Moodle, Blackboard, etc. to give faculty and students a web location that hosts communication, information, etc. I found that it is like any new tool: the longer you use it, the more ways you develop to help both you and your students productively manage learning.
